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The tournament and the discovery of Sicily

AXA Golf Cup 2016

AXA Golf Cup 2016

AXA Golf Cup 2016, an event held from 14 to 16 October 2016 of which JustSicily took care of the organization at the Verdura golf & spa resort. One hundred participants attended the AXA Golf Cup 2016 which, to date, is one of the most prestigious golf tournaments nationwide. An exciting competition that not only promotes the AXA brand thanks to the agents passionate about this sport, but has also chosen to integrate activities related to the discovery of the territory and its beauties.

The selected location could not be anything else other than Il Verdura Resort with its surface of 230 hectares and almost two kilometers of private Mediterranean coast. With three golf courses designed by Kyle Phillips, a 60-meter infinity pool, six clay tennis courts, a world-class spa, four restaurants, five bars, and much more, this is the ideal facility to host and organize this important competitive event and not only.

The preferential relationship that JustSicily has with the structure has created the right balance with the event that AXA intended to organize that was fully satisfied in all requests.

The program of the AXA Golf Cup 2016 provided for the alternation of competitions with recreational moments that was decided to integrate with the culture and the discovery of the territory by the participants, the event saw therefore the organization of tourist visits, aperitifs with typical products of Sicilian gastronomy and gala dinners accompanied by wines of local production of excellent quality.

JustSicily took care of the following services for the realization of this beautiful event:

  • secretariat of the event: receipt of reservations for each participant, with related accounting procedures;
  • logistics organization: transfers from / to the airport or other locations, upon arrival and departure, airline reservations, hotel reservations, rooming lists of participants; list of entries to the event locations;
  • service of 3 hostesses for the reception at the airport, assistance for transfers and on-site in all the event locations, personalized material distribution for each participant;
  • economic relationship with suppliers;
  • organization and appropriate choice of cultural visits / Excursions from the location;
  • choice of menus and locations for aperitifs / lunches / gala dinners;
  • preparation of rooms for lunches / gala dinners / awards / DJ sets;
  • promotional material preparation;
  • choice of a tribute for the participating ladies.

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